We all know people like this. When we spend time with them we feel like we are drained of energy, they almost literally suck up all the high vibrant positive energy we possess. Energy vampires - such as drama queens - leave you feeling drained and listless, but these fifteen ways to protect yourself from negative influences will help!
How Energy Vampires Suck your Juice of Life
Energy vampires suck away your positive energy in many ways, such as:
- Intruding on your life, imposing their ways and their limiting beliefs, ignoring your personal boundaries and privacy (energy vampires don't think of you).
- Making big deals out of nothing. They always have yet another drama-story that "happened" to them. Energy vampires are often called "drama queens" because they can easily turn their sick pet into a Shakespearean tragedy. Negative energy spreads from everyday events.
- They are always surrounded by drama, sickness, illnesses, excuses and are always ready to blame, justify and point fingers. They mostly don't flock alone, since misery always looks for company.
- Complaining constantly about their partners, jobs, children, bad luck, and illnesses. Energy vampires like to vent.
- Not only do they want to vent, they suck up all the attention. In conversations, they will not be shy to interrupt, and try to lead almost all the time.
- Criticizing your hair, appearance, job, children, partner, friends, and pets (energy vampires aren't positive).
- Not taking "no" for an answer. Energy vampires don't consider your needs.
- When feeling threatened they will do whatever to gather extra manpower to sing their awful song. Influencing their posse with half truths, misconceptions, lies and manipulative suggestion.
- Being unrelentingly negative. Their negative energy is relentless, and energy vampires drain your positive energy by encouraging you to be negative, too. Since there are only two ways to get equalized in vibration level, they prefer to tear yours down rather then stepping up to yours.
- Since they never take responsibility, they will always find people to blame. One of their preferred tools is "guilt". That is a game they master in their manipulative ways.
- Unfortunately it is almost impossible to alter their ways, since their behavior mostly came out of their deep embedded convictions. Old habits are indeed hard to break.
Why You Feel Drained and Depressed After a Conversation
You know you've spent time with an energy vampire when you leave feeling depressed, exhausted, or sad. Energy vampires drain your positive energy for their own use. Energy vampires leave you feeling empty and sluggish – and to compensate or build positive energy you may eat, drink, shop, or sleep for hours afterwards. Since you don't think and live in those ways, yo don't always have an armor ready to shield you off and protect you towards their draining forces.
They Need Your Positive Life Juice
Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes: loud and aggressive, soft-spoken and shy, charming and seductive, pushy and overbearing. They could be (and mostly are) found in your inner circles and even in your family. There are no stereotypical external specifications to recognize them on the spot. Energy vampires have energy deficits that they need to fill. It's up to you to stop and block energy vampires from feasting on your positive energy. Often energy vampires don't even realize they're bleeding you dry. Most Energy vampires have suffered some sort of crisis, whether in childhood or adulthood, and they're compensating to get rid of their negative energy. Energy vampires may not be deliberately, maliciously stealing your positive energy -- but they're definitely not contributing to a fantastic relationship.
It may look like a very difficult task at first, but these Energy Vampires can be stopped.
Here are 15 of Leo's ways to stop these Life Juice Sucking Flying Rodents:
- Always plan the amount you want to spend with these energy vampires. Limit your time you have to spend with them because the less time you're together, the less positive energy you'll lose.
- Try to stay calm at all times. They are masters in mental manipulation, that is what they thrive on. Get mentally detached from them in your mind and don't allow yourself to step into their game.
- Always remember that you need to give them permission to allow them to feast on your positive energy. Don't let their negative energy consume you.
- Adopt ways to block these energy vampires from the start. When they call you, tell them you are about to do something very important, or let them know that you can't spend more then 5 minutes with them. One of my mentors used to ave a huge framed quote hanging above his desk that read; "You got 5 seconds to get me enthusiastic or to get out!"
- Mentally prepare yourself before you are about to meet them and expect new and (for them) exciting new approaches, blitsy stories and newbies.
- Be honest about your needs (eg, "I need this time to work/read/relax/exercise.")
- Refrain from attempting to rescue them or fix an energy vampire's problems.
- Think about all the energy vampires you can detect in your life and list them on paper. Now visualize a new life with very limited time having those people around. And start living like that. You do deserve better!
- Practice walking away from energy vampires.; the more you do it, the easier it gets. Perfect practice makes perfect!
- Limit eye contact with energy vampires. Where attention goes, energy flows!
- Avoid being in close spaces with energy vampires (elevators, cars, etc). Negative energy is catching. Misery always looks for company!
- Define and guard your personal space from energy vampires. Be very clear and very bold.
- Tell energy vampires you feel uncomfortable discussing particular people or circumstances.
- Stand up for yourself and your boundaries! Your time, positive energy, and resources are precious and should be closely guarded from energy vampires.
- Be firm, be on alert. Positive people give you attention, energy ampires give you an infection! Focus on all the beauty in life, and how much time you want to spend there instead of mingeling with those energy vampires.
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist.