maandag 26 januari 2009

Resveratrol puts the brakes on aging! Breakthrough material!

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that is produced by
some plants to protect against environmental stresses.
Perhaps the most notable producer of resveratrol is the
grapevine, which produces large amounts of resveratrol in
the skins of grapes to protect against fungal diseases and
sun damage. It is therefore no suprise that wine (in
particular red wine - which is fermented with grape
skins) has some of the highest levels of resveratrol out of
any natural food.

While it has been know for thousands of years that wine is
a healthful drink (thus the old Roman saying 'In Vino
'- In wine there is health
), the scientific community
started taking wine's health benefits seriously after 60
Minutes reported the famous 'French Parodox' study in
which people in France were less likely to die of heart
attacks than Americans despite similar high fat diets. The
study concluded that the relatively large amounts of red
wine consumed by the French protected their hearts.

From the French Paradox study numerous other studies
were launched to attempt to identify compounds responsible
for red wine’s apparent health benefits. From these studies
the compound that gained by far the largest amount of
interest was Resveratrol – AND RIGHTLY SO!
studies have concluded that:

  • Adding resveratrol to the diet of yeast, fruit flies, worms, and a species of fish increased their life spans up to 70%, 29%, 24%, & 50% respectively.

  • Resveratrol made fat related deaths drop 31% in obese mice. The resveratrol fed obese mice also performed much better in movement and agility tests than obese mice not fed resveratrol.

  • Mice fed resveratrol had 100% more endurance than mice not fed resveratrol (i.e. they were able to run twice as far on a treadmill).

  • Resveratrol inhibits blood platelet aggregation that can lead to dangerous clots that can cause heart attacks and strokes.

  • Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals (free radicals are unstable atoms caused in part by pollution, sunlight, and our bodies natural burning of fat that can lead to cancer, aging, and brain degeneration)

  • Resveratrol has been proven to fight cancer in vitro at all three stages; (1) initiation, (2) promotion, (&) progression.

Check out this video;

How to Become More Attractive To The Opposite Sex

Everyone has preconceived notions of what the opposite sex wants in a partner and ninety percent of what you think you know is just plain wrong. Hopefully we can clear that up today. Spring is in the air and its just natural to start thinking about dating more, or again. Seems like everyone is talking about change lately so lets see what we can do to make these changes for the better.
The first thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to look them in the eye and greet them with a smile. A smile will usually result in a smile being returned, which releases trust and feel good chemicals in the brain. Looking someone in the eyes links those feelings to you and gives you the edge you just might need to approach your target and gain a few minutes of their time to assess interest. This is a two way street. After conversing with them for a few minutes you may find your not as attracted to them as you first thought.
The second thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is practice good grooming habits. Keep your hair neat and combed, your teeth brushed, your clothes cleaned. Nothing will put a person off quicker than someone who has body odor or soiled clothes
The third thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to be respectful. Often I will be walking down the street or over at a pal's house and hear someone refer to their partner by a derogatory label. Sure the partner might not say anything but on a subliminal level they do know you consider yourself apart from them and it drives a wedge between the two that may take years to spread, but it will happen. If your just meeting someone this is a deal breaker with a good potential partner. They will suddenly find somewhere else to be and go there quickly leaving you high and dry.
The forth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to maintain good posture. Arch your back forward and sit your head right in the middle of you shoulders and then relax yourself until your comfortable and yet fully erect. You will appear taller and more assertive. Allow your arms to be relaxed and loose and put just the tiniest swagger in your walk and you will be noticed. You may not win over everyone in your path but you will be noticed by them.
The fifth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to maintain a average weight for your body frame and height. I'm probably going to get flamed for this but facts are facts. Overweight people do not get as much action as the average person does. This is not simply because they are overweight. Being overweight is a huge drain on your personal resources and energy. Overweight people get tired easy because more of their natural energy is going to maintain the large body they have. Maintaining a healthy weight is as simple as eating good foods. If you have a weight problem then fast food is the biggest no no for you. Soft drinks with sugar are the second, and diet drinks are simply not safe to drink so look to your water fountain to quench your thirst.
The sixth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is just to simply talk when you have their attention. Depending on the personality of your target you either carry the conversation until they become comfortable enough with you to open up and talk back, or you listen and let them talk to you. You will learn a whole lot more about the person your attracted to by listening than you will by pontificating about yourself. Don't talk yourself out of a date, but don't be a wallflower either. While listening to someone talk, make sure they know your listening and actively let them know by nodding your head and making soft sounds of acknowledgment.
The seventh thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to learn to dance. One of the more popular dating experiences is gong dancing and if you can manage to not step on your dates toes, or splash their drink on their clothing you will be in the right ballpark. Dancing can set many moods. From fun to romantic to erotic, dancing covers it all. I would highly recommend you take some form of dancing lessons in a group format. Its going to cost a few dollars but it will be well worth it in the end.
The eighth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is never talk about your past partners in a negative way. The person on the other side of this conversation may start to thinking what you will be saying if the two of you get together and part ways in the future. This can be a deal killer when approaching a smart, sensitive partner who tends to think things through more so than to act impulsively.
The ninth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to show that your interested, but do not be overbearing about it. Calling someone five times the next day after your first date will give them the wrong impression. Its OK to call once the next day and let them know you had a great time and your open to going out again. But after that end the call and wait a couple days before calling again. Don't go out of your way to avoid the person, but don't pester them either. Remember they are probably juggling a lot of things in life and have limited time so be considerate.
The tenth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to develop a great sense of humor. Humor is such an individualistic concept that this one is a little tricky. Go on a comedy club on a date or go see a comedy at the movie theater, or even rent some funny movies at the video store. Let your partner help pick the selections so you get an idea of what they think humor is or you might end up offending them.
While these ten things may not make you a superstar in the dating arena, they certainly will not hurt you in any way, shape or form. Being attractive to the opposite sex is all in the attention to the small things, the details. Above all keep trying.

zaterdag 24 januari 2009

For women; The Three Exercises You Must Do for a Tighter You

It's often said that the best fitness program is one you'll stick with. True enough. If you don't like what you are doing, you'll look for a reason to quit. But if you're going to invest time and energy into getting fit, you also want the biggest bang for the buck. So here are three of the best exercises any woman can do.

Exercise No. 1: Bicycle the Abs
A study of 30 healthy women and men, ages 20-45, sponsored by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and led by Peter Francis, Ph.D., at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University, compared 13 of the most common abdominal exercises and ranked them from most to least effective. Overall, the best exercise for strengthening the rectus abdominus, which includes the long flat muscles extending along the front and sides of the abdomen, is the bicycle maneuver. Here's the ranking of the 13 abdominal exercises from most to least effective.

"The bicycle kick is the overall best abdominal exercise," agrees Michael Stefano, a 20-year veteran of the New York City Fire Department and author of The Firefighter's Workout. Having strong abdominals helps you maintain balance and provides a foundation for many other activities.

How to Do It
Lie on your back on a mat or padded carpet with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Press your lower back into the floor, engaging your abdominal muscles, as you put both hands behind your head (don't pull on your head). Bring your right elbow over to your left knee, and then bring your left elbow over to your right knee in a twisting, bicycle pedal motion. Continue to breathe naturally. Alternate opposite elbow to opposite knee with hands interlaced behind your head in a slow and controlled manner and with full extension of each leg on every repetition.

Breathe naturally, extend your legs fully to increase intensity and perform the motion very slowly. Keep your knees bent throughout the movement, while you tap your feet to the floor (instead of extending your leg straight out), to decrease intensity. Repeat to muscle fatigue.

Goal: Two sets of 20-30 repetitions

Exercise No. 2: Squat the Gluteus
Most trainers agree with Stefano that squats, done with or without dumbbells, are the quickest route to more shapely, tighter glutes. The compound exercise also gets high marks for toning quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.

How to Do It. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding arms at your sides. The head is straight with a natural arch maintained in your back. Inhale, swing your arms slightly forward for balance, bending at the knees and hips to a sitting position, thighs parallel to the floor or as low as you can comfortably squat without experiencing pain in your back, hips, or knees. Your buttock remains above the level of your knees, and your knees do not extend beyond your toes. Exhale, slowly rising to a standing position with knees and hips straight. Allow your hands to drop back to your sides. You can also squat against a wall using a resistance ball. Repeat to muscle fatigue. See it now.

Goal: Two sets of 10-20 repetitions

Variation on a Theme: Walking Lunges
Gregory Florez, chief executive officer of Fit Advisor, and a spokesperson for ACE, also recommends walking lunges for tighter glutes. Start by stepping forward with one leg and planting your foot firmly on the floor. Then, drop the rear knee down so that your rear thigh and front shin are perpendicular to the floor. Using the heel of the front foot, push upward to return to standing position, then step forward so that feet are together again.

Goal: 1-2 sets of 12 repetitions

Exercise No. 3: Push-Up for Sculpted Arms
"Push-ups have a dramatic effect on the arms," says Stefano, particularly biceps, triceps and shoulders. They also help condition the chest and abdominals.

How to Do It. Lie face down on the floor or mat, with your hands on the floor, palms down, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and toes curled under on the floor. Your back and legs are straight. Exhale as you slowly push your body away from the floor. Inhale, lowering yourself back down to the point where your chest barely touches or comes within a few inches of the floor. Repeat to muscle fatigue.

To lessen intensity, says Stefano, do the modified push-up, in which everything remains the same, except the knees are bent and remain on the floor during the movement. To increase intensity, perform both the up and down phases of the push-up very slowly by counting to four when pushing away from the floor and to eight while lowering to the floor. Indeed, holding the position during any exercise for at least a count of two will increase intensity.

Goal: Two sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Another modification suggested by Florez is the wall push-up, in which you stand facing a wall and lean on it with hands. Arms are shoulder-width apart. Do 1-2 sets of push-ups, 10-12 repetitions.

To Ensure Results
Most people who begin a resistance program tend to overtrain, says Stefano, who recommends that each muscle group be adequately worked at least twice each week (2-3 sets of 10-20 repetitions). "The key to results isn't only how many sets or reps you do, but more importantly what level of muscle fatigue is hit on each set."

Here you go.

These 3 exercises have helped me as a professional coach to get many women in shape, the easy and fun way!

Wishing all you women a wonderful weekend,


Licensed to thrill!

vrijdag 23 januari 2009

7 Steps to gaining lean muscle without the fat

1) Use optimal meal frequency: Six meals a day is optimal. If you eat fewer than five to six meals a day, you will either; a) be under your calorie surplus level required for gaining muscle, or, b) if you're meeting your calorie requirements, then you're eating too much per meal and this can contribute to fat storage. You might get by with five meals, depending on your calorie requirements, but if your calorie needs are high (say, 3500+, then six meals is optimal.

2) Keep your meals moderate in size Think about the calories per sitting, not just total calories for the day. If you need 3500 to gain weight, then three 1166 calorie meals won't do. Even though total calories would be right on target, the total calories per meal would be too high.

3) Continue doing moderate amounts of cardio Unless you're the genetically gifted, fast-metabolism (ectomorph) body type, you need cardio to minimize fat gain and maximize the gain of lean tissue. Cardio should be minimal, but without it, most people will add substantial fat along with the muscle. I'd recommend three days per week, 20-30 minutes -- yes, even on a muscle gaining program. Most people avoid cardio completely, thinking that the extra cardio will cancel out the calorie surplus...which it does, unless you increase your calories even more. So basically, you're eating more and doing more cardio. Does everyone need cardio on a mass gaining program? No, but if you're having trouble gaining muscle without gaining fat, then YOU need cardio

4) Choose high thermic foods and natural foods. Take advantage of foods that boost your metabolism such as vegetables, natural starches and lean proteins. Great carbs for gaining lean weight include yams, oatmeal, whole grains, beans, brown rice, and potatoes. For protein, choose one of the following for each of your six meals: lean red meat, eggs (mostly whites, limited yolks), chicken breast, turkey breast, protein powder, fish, or cottage cheese.

5) Avoid processed foods and junk foods. Many people use a "weight gaining" program as an excuse to "pig out" on anything and everything. Your goal however should be muscle gain, not weight gain. Again, unless you're the fast metabolism body type, you can't afford to eat refined junk foods containing white flour, white sugar and processed fats. You simply have to eat larger amounts of the healthy foods. The foods shouldn't change that much between weight gain and weight loss programs, what changes is the calorie amounts.

6) Be sure to include essential fats or oils. Include at least 1 tbsp/day of essential fats such as flax oil or Udo's choice oil blend supplement, or eat fish (Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, or other fatty cold water fish, etc) at least 2-3 times per week. These good fats help with muscle growth, hormone levels and they even have a thermic effect in small amounts, whereas saturated fats are non thermic and they reduce insulin sensitivity. By the way, these "good fats" are great for boosting your calories too because they are so calorie dense. 3500-4000 calories of low fat food is an enormous amount to choke down. Using the essential fats is an easy way to get the high number of calories you need for weight gain.

7) Zig Zag Your Caloric Intake - Use The Calorie Cycling Method. Now for what may be the most important technique of all - especially if you are an endomorph (the body type that is inclined to gain body fat easily.) This technique parallels my advice for fat loss. On fat loss programs I recommend that you do not stay on low calories for a long period of time without "re-feeding" and taking a higher calorie day to prevent metabolism from slowing down. The same technique can be used in reverse for gaining lean muscle without fat. To gain lean tissue you must have a calorie surplus. The trouble is, staying in a surplus can cause fat accumulation. Instead of staying in a surplus 100% of the time, if you zig zag your caloric intake between 3 days at a surplus of about 10-15% over maintenance, then you reduce calories down to maintenance or 5-10% below maintenance (deficit), you prevent the accumulation of body fat. The drawback of this technique is that you spend less time in a surplus, so muscle gains occur more slowly, but the trade off is worth it because you save time that would have to be spent dieting off the fat at a later date. I highly recommend this technique for the endomorph body type

That's it - just follow these guidelines for eating, train hard, think big and you can definitely gain pure muscle without gaining any fat.

Train hard and expect success,

donderdag 22 januari 2009

The message is LOVE

Love is the reality. Love is the energy of Divineness. Love is God.
Love is the moment. The moment is now, not the past which has gone or the future which is yet to unfold.
There is nothing that was not first born of love.
You are love. You are awareness. You are your breath. You are your peace, you are your joy.
You are a divine being who is beautiful and perfect, right in this moment. You will never lose your divineness. You are unique, there is only one you.
To the degree you open yourself up to accept and be your true self, is the degree you will have what is rightfully yours. Love, peace, joy.
Love creates and unifies. Love heals all physical, mental and emotional wounds.
Love is not your thoughts, nor is it your emotions.
Know that love (God) never judges. Love never accomodates sickness, control, sacrifice or limitation. Love is not fear.
Fear can never influence the perfection of love. Love transforms fear into love. There is nothing more powerful than love.
There is only one true reality and that is God, however you perceive God to be. God is love. Everything has the life of divineness flowing through it, including you. Without this energy, your body would be dead.
So, if you can accept your divineness (life) there is nothing you need to do to improve on yourself.
You can learn many ways to express who you are. To the amount you express love, is the amount you have awakened to the God/Goddess within.
Your divineness allows you to live forever both in physical and in spirit form.
The quality of life you have will depend on you and only you. In spirit or physical form, your life is your creation.
You can accept who you are (love) or believe you are less than love (fear) If you choose to own your divineness and live it out in all that you do, your peace and joy is assured.

dinsdag 20 januari 2009

Check out Grandma's biceps!

We all know that exercise is good for us. It boosts circulation and tones the cardiovascular system. It builds strength, burns calories and reduces depression. It improves insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes. It may even help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. But here's what you didn't know: it can partially reverse aging at the cellular level.

A study appearing this week in the online journal PLoS One looks at the effects of six months of strength training in 25 elderly volunteers aged 65 and older (average age: 70). The researchers took small biopsies of thigh-muscle cells from the seniors before and after the six-month period, then compared them with muscle cells from 26 young volunteers (average age: 22). "To be honest, we were expecting some indication that the exercise program improved strength," says biologist Simon Melov, director of genomics at the Buck Institute in Novato, Calif., and coauthor of the study. What the scientists didn't expect was what they actually found—that after six months of resistance training, there were dramatic changes at the genetic level. As Melov puts it, "The genetic fingerprint [of the elderly participants] was reversed to that of younger people—not entirely, but enough to say that their genetic profile was more like that of young people than old people."

What kind of workout routine does it take to produce these changes? The seniors went through a rigorous exercise program—an hourlong session of strength training twice a week for six months, using the same types of machines found in most gyms. At each session, they performed three sets of 10 contractions for each muscle group, similar to a standard workout (albeit using lighter weights than most young people would use). Trainers and kinesiologists were on hand throughout to make sure the participants used the machines properly and did not injure themselves. It helped that all the participants were in good shape to start with—able to go shopping, walk the dog, play golf or swim. That was deliberate, according to Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky of McMaster University in Canada, who headed up the clinical portion of the trial. The researchers wanted to zero in on genetic changes related to aging itself, not changes that might be due to cancer or heart disease.

And how did the genes change? At the beginning of the six-month period, Melov found significant differences between older and younger participants in the expression of 600 genes, indicating that these genes become either more or less active with age. By the end of the six months, exercise had changed the expression of a third of them. Admittedly that leaves two thirds of the genes unchanged. "The others appear to be related to aging, but not exercise," says Melov. But he was struck by a common feature of the ones that did change. Overwhelmingly, they are involved in the functioning of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells, which process nutrients into energy.

You might expect that, as a result, the participants had more energy—and that's exactly what they reported. "Anecdotally, some reported that before the training, they had a hard time picking up their grandchildren," says Tarnopolsky. "Afterward, they could pick them up." Others reported that it became easier to carry heavy grocery bags or run up the stairs. And objective measurements showed that their strength improved by 50 percent. For Barbara Ford, 72, of Hamilton, Ontario, the real thrill came when her grandchildren came to visit and admired her new biceps. "They thought it was a scream I was getting 'Popeye muscles'," she says. "When they saw this, they all laughed."

The take-home message is clear. "It's never too late to start exercising," says Tarnopolsky. You're only as old as your genes.

Get through crossroads

Crossroads typically occur during middle age and can happen as a result of significant changes in your life e.g. after divorce or separation, perhaps after the death of someone close, children not being as dependent, retiring, leaving work... and is typically marked by feelings of "What Do I Do Now???"

Sometimes crossroads sneak up on us... we get an inkling that we are not happy as we know we can be, we're not enjoying the things we used to, we haven't got the same enthusiasm for many of the things we have to do, we experience feelings of regular unhappiness, emptiness, and feeling unfulfilled.

Even though crossroads in our life can be uncomfortable and daunting... they provide an incredible opportunity to take stock of our life, and do things that we truly want to do and achieve in our life.

Many times, however, we don't know what we want to change or how to initiate the change.

Here are 5 suggestions to help get through this:

• take time out for yourself : it's important to look after yourself in terms of nutrition and enough sleep. Crossroads can be stressful, and the more you can take care of yourself the easier this period of your life will be to handle

• reflect on what you are doing in your life now : look at those things you are doing that you would like to change, and look at those things that have changed because of a different set of circumstances for example, divorce or separation, illness in the family, a death, change in your work, or children no longer dependent

• think about what you have always wanted to do but never had the opportunity to do: you now have an opportunity to do those things you have wanted to do

• begin to do things you would like to do, for example, take up a sports such as golf, go to classes to learn something you've always wanted to know about

• find someone, such as a counselor, who can help you through this period. You may benefit from talking with someone about what you are going through, how you are feeling and what you want to do.

I've had several crossroads in my life... times when I've felt a strong desire to change aspects of my life. About 10 years ago I changed careers... I changed from counseling to designing and printing stationery! Quite a change! I returned to counseling 5 years later due to another major change in my life brought about by a serious illness.

But crossroads don't just occur in your career... they can happen in your personal life, family life, where you live!

The secret is: embrace crossroads as an amazing opportunity for change... an opportunity for you to decide what is most fulfilling for you!

How to Feel More Attractive

  1. Size Up Wisely

    Think of professional beauties as aesthetic marvels (and genetic accidents). Don't compare yourself with them. Besides, those whose looks you covet are busy rating themselves against someone even more gorgeous. "I never thought of myself as beautiful," insists Carol Alt, the 1980s supermodel. "There were these girls who would walk into the room and just take over. Nicolette Sheridan in the 1980s—oh my God, forget it."

  2. Reflect on Your Relationships

    "It is part of the human condition to see ourselves through the eyes of others," says Ellen McGrath, clinical psychologist and president of The Bridge Coaching Institute. Partners have a big impact on how we view our looks. If we get a steady dose of fondness and acceptance, "it's like being in the glow of a romantic candlelit dinner—we are seen in the best possible light," says McGrath. Being close to a judgmental person makes us view ourselves in correspondingly harsh terms. If you've come to believe that you're unattractive, consider whether your partner may have subtly steered your thoughts in that direction.

  3. It's Not About You!

    Shy people consistently rate themselves as less attractive than others do. "When you focus on yourself, you become more self-critical," says Bernie Carducci, professor of psychology at Indiana University Southeast. If you force yourself to approach others and make them feel wanted, your own insecurities diminish. "Show up at a party with a group of friends and you'll automatically appear more attractive," says Carducci. "It's social capital—it suggests that you know how to lead others and bring them together."

  4. You're Instrumental

    Is your body a static object to be gazed upon or a performing machine? While women tend to think about how their bodies look, men often focus on how well they work, says Stephen Franzoi, psychology professor at Marquette University. "If you think of your body as an instrument, you'll see it as something that you can shape and transform," he says. "This proactive stance shifts the locus of power to you, rather than to other people observing and evaluating your body."

  5. Get an Inner Makeover

    Watch for negative self-talk. "Replace critical thoughts, such as 'my disgusting, fat thighs,' with something more neutral, such as 'my large, muscular legs,'" suggests James Rosen, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Vermont. Give more airtime to other aspects of your self-image. "Consciously think of why you are desirable to other people—perhaps because they respect your competence or because you are warm and interesting. In the long run, these characteristics are more important to attraction than physical looks."

  6. Be a Singular Sensation

    Carducci, a social dynamo who works to overcome his shy temperament, strives to be not only the nicest guy in the room, but also the best-dressed. "My look is part GQ, part discount. One of my favorite outfits is a yellow cotton shirt, a red tie with geometric shapes, tuxedo pumps and a checkered herringbone coat. I'm trying to let people know, 'I'm here and let's have a good time.' When you're in clothes that reflect who you are, you make it easier for others to talk to you—and it's not how beautiful you are, but how approachable you are."

  7. Get Older, Feel Better

    We dread getting older, but there is evidence that people feel more attractive with age. "Older women tend to shed their self-consciousness," says Leslie Goldman, author of Locker Room Diaries, an account of her yearlong ethnographic study of women at the gym. "I have never seen a woman over the age of 60 scurry off into a bathroom stall to change or quickly scan the room before dropping her towel."

  8. Beauty Is No Panacea

    On average, attractive people are not happier than their homelier peers. A sense of optimism and hope, gratifying relationships and meaning and purpose in your life have much more influence on your happiness than do your looks. "Don't get me wrong—there are times when I've gotten special treatment because of my celebrity," says Alt. "But I've had my share of heartbreak. I'm divorced. I lost my father and my brother. I don't think the fates decide what will happen to you based on your looks."

Male Vitality

Maintaining a normal blood pressure This can be achieved very simply by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and having eight to ten serves of fruit and vegetables daily.

Fruit and vegetables are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium, all of which normalise your blood pressure.

Stress reducing activities such as meditation, yoga and massage will also be very helpful and if you are still struggling to lower your blood pressure taking the supplements taurine, coenzyme Q10 and fish oil should achieve the desired results.

    Let us summarise the key points:
  • Have tests which allow you to plan your preventive health strategies for your heart.

  • Pay attention to the early warning signs of heart disease.

  • Consume fruit and vegetables and take those supplements that maximise cardiovascular well-being.

  • Open your heart by acknowledging your needs and emotions in the presence of others.

  • Look after your prostate from an early age and try taking the recommended supplements for reversing baldness.

  • Try taking the recommended supplements for reversing baldness.

After his recent near death experience as a consequence of an ailing heart, Bob Dylan demonstrated a dramatic recovery to win a prestigious Grammy award. Men's health is at a crossroads and the courage that the great muse has shown can serve as an inspiration to us all.

The scientific principles of natural health can be used not only for your own wellbeing but for the maintenance and survival of this beautiful planet.