dinsdag 9 juni 2009

Turn Crisis into Opportunity

Dynamics; Relational-Professional-Emotional-Physical-Financial

The Chinese word for crisis consists of two characters; One meaning DANGER, and one meaning OPPORTUNITY.
A crisis and an opportunity aren't that different, are they? Each event is a critical point at witch events will turn for the better (or worse). A well-managed crisis becomes an opportunity, a mishandled opportunity becomes a crisis.
So again, the most important factor is not really the challenge itself, rather then the way you will handle it.
Is there really a crisis going on? During years, many organizations, banks and individuals have been driving at full speed blindfolded. Products became more important then sales, sales became more important then service. Sooner or later the inevitable had to happen; Financial meltdowns and bankruptcies.
Since 80% of all people live their lives without any specific goals, they are drifted by the winds of the masses. So when the crisis hits, they will find themselves right smack in the middle of it. With no defense or trained skills to handle it.
Events are what they are, and worrying about them does not change anything.
So it all comes back to you choice;
Are you going to look at it as a crisis, or as an opportunity?
Look at the current economic crisis and decide that this is not YOUR crisis;
Take advantage of the lower competition.
Take advantage of lower prices, fees, commissions, rent etc.
Take advantage by slowing down and re-arrange your goals and your aspirations.
Take advantage of the unfounded pessimism, since things aren't all that bad.
Take advantage to book a holiday, great offers never been as cheap.
Take advantage to start a new business, since so many "over-loaded" companies are quitting.
Take advantage to take care of yourself by working out, attending seminars and re-rejuvenate.
Take advantage by your creativity, finding new and innovative ways to excel.
Take advantage of this hyped situation by staying focused and clear about what you want.
People tend to overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in a lifetime.
This situation will pass too, be ready and prepared to conquer as never before.
Life goes through cycles, as does the economy. It can be compared with the seasons in nature; We might be in the Winter season now, so sure as can be.....Spring will follow. It has always been like this, and that will never change.
Assess this situation correctly, maybe you decide that you were following the wrong careerpath, that they time for self-employment is NOW. maybe you want to move to another country or state, maybe you want to get out of a limiting relationship or...get married, maybe you are sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Allow yourself a couple of minutes to ask yourself if your life today is still heading in the direction of your goals and dreams?
Every critical juncture carries the potential to become either a crisis or an opportunity.
What will be your choice?

Wishing you the best of luck,
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

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