woensdag 9 december 2009

Is MMS the most powerful pathogen killer known?

About 4 months ago, my brother set me up with MMS. In the beginning I was very sceptical, but after I let my girlfriend (who happens to be a pharmacist) investigate this, my beliefs started to shift!
I have been doing some intensive research and I'm using the product daily.
This is so powerful and wonderful that I would like to share this with the world!

Read this article very attentive and get the book for FREE!

Miracle Mineral Supplement also referred to as MMS is a reasonably new development, well at least to the general public. The best way that we can tell you about The Miracle Mineral Supplement is to tell you what it is made of and how to use it. According to Jim Humble’s book, Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, ClO2 only remains active for about two hours in our bodies with some residual effects lasting a short while longer. More than 75,000 malaria victims have taken the Miracle Mineral Supplement and are now back to work and living productive lives. Because the Miracle Mineral Supplement functions as a supercharger to the immune system, it is not meant for treatment of any particular disease, but rather it’s designed to improve the immune system to the point of overcoming many diseases, oftentimes in less than 24 hours.

Miracle Mineral Supplement is claimed to be a miracle, but in reality it’s just pure science and common sense. MMS once more is not a miracle, it is just absolute science that works so well that many people call it a miracle. MMS works extremely fast, and the body likes to start healing in no time. It works best to destroy pathogens that are present in the body, after activating the formula 2 or 3 mg of free chlorine dioxide are in the solution at the time it’s ingested.

In Breakthrough, Humble explains how he discovered the use of chlorine dioxide as an alternate treatment for Malaria, which has since led to over 75,000 documented successful treatments of the disease in Africa. Reports of overcoming incurable diseases are happening every day.  Other details give included treating animals, hepatitis, pneumonia, snake bites, food poisoning, many cancers, tuberculosis, asthma and other diseases. 
It’s the most powerful killer of disease pathogens known to man, and that’s a known fact. The mineral supplement recharges the immune system enabling the body to destroy diseases caused by germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites and poisons. All this happens within a 3 minute time space to eradicate diseases. The price is around $20 per bottle with thousands of doses, and previous users have written claims that it cures many serious diseases, including HIV, TB, many cancers, Hepatitis A, B, and C, herpes, and malaria.

As with any herbal or mineral supplement, we can’t make claims about The Miracle Mineral Supplement. This miracle mineral supplement introduced by Jim Humble consists totally of a bona fide revolutionary formula containing 28% sodium hypochlorite in a solution of distilled water. There is too much proof that the miracle mineral supplement can cure disease!

I am very pleased to announce that our full edition Miracle Mineral Supplement Guide ebook is now available FOR FREE as a PDF download! This books is small, but packed with goodness! I hope it serves to help out many people who need a good source of information, tips and facts.
The book is made freely available and you may share it with your friends and loved ones. This isn’t the book by Jim Humble, but is based on his published works, our personal experience with MMS and other documented facts.

We look forward to your feedback so we can grow the book as people share their findings with us.
Right click the link below and select save as to save the book to your computer for future reading.


Check it out and spread the word!
It's FREE and it WORKS! How much more do you need?

Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

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