maandag 31 augustus 2009

Steps to get enlightened,...

From the 8 Dynamics seminars; SPIRITUAL

So many e-mails, ...finally here is my answer;

I read somewhere that becoming enlightened is like a process of peeling back the many layers of the ego to experience your true radiant Infinite Self. It's a proces of opening to your innermost being, and as a result to the entire Universe.
I found out in the beginning that the deeper you reach, the more turmoil I got, until finally things started to slow down a bit. The goal actually is to reach the layer of absolute stillness. Some of us need some time to get there, but once they do, it's easier to get there again.
A bit like learning how to ride a bike, it doesn't really work from the first time. You need to practice over and over again, until one day you are swooped away.

Our great masters and teachers tell us that in our deepest self, our true spiritual knowledge resides, the place where we actually feel connected with the Universal energy. Finally we will start to recognize that the newfound inner self is who we really are. You without the ego, full of love clarity, understanding, abundance, eternity, compassion, forgiveness, light.
Every book I read about "enlightenment" observes form a different angle, some work for me, others are a bit off track when I listen with my heart. But they mostly get together in the agreement that it is a continuos state or realization that you are an eternal being who will never die. We just move on to another dimension, another understanding, another matrix.
We are spiritual beings in a material body.

Being enlightened for me starts with a celebration for all the things in my life, a feeling of deep and honest gratitude. Knowing that I am part of a bigger, much bigger, eternal and infinite "whole" which I would like to refer to as the Universe. You might like to call it God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, The Light, Abba, Elohim, Yazad, etc.
Some refer to it as a living, conscious intelligence that loves you unconditionally.

Here are some steps that might help you get closer to your enlightened you;

1. Turn of your ego; The constant, never ending chattering inside your mind. The mind is just a mere habitual illusion of who and what we really are. Let go of your beliefs and just BE, without conditions. Turn off your repetitive mind, your internal record that plays over and over.
2. Find a quiet place; a place where you can turn your internal computer off. The board of a lake, in the middle of the woods, a sunny beach overlooking the sea, on top of a hill, a private room with calming music and some candles, whatever works for you.
3. Let go of the illusion that you live separate from the Universal source; Feel all the abundance you already possess right now. Get out step into nature and find all the abundance that you already possess. Stop suffering because you are simply not aware that you are ONE with the UNiverse.
4. Release all your HAVE's; During time, you got attached to people, things, feelings that are limiting you today. Some things will give you the illusion of pleasure, others pain. Pain and suffering is just a way of the Universe to say to "LET GO!"
5. Face the bull; Don't run away from your fears, run towards them. Almost all the times they will disappear before you reach them. Fear is something that was created by YOU, you can dissolve it.
6. Believe your own stories; We were all conditioned when we were young, to become more and more detached from the Universal energy. Success was falsely explained, we were never thought to find the source inside us, in the contrary. Success is finally determined by how fulfilled you are as a spiritual being in a material body.
7. Stop thinking; Thinking is like an arm or a leg, use it only when needed. Limited by only 52 visuals images a second. Practice being.We are human BEINGS. Learn to be in the here and now, and redefine your definition of success.
8. Wanna be right? Let go of trying to be right all the time. It's a limiting ego-trip. You don't need to fight for what you wish, life is a playground. Play!
9. Step out of the rat race and stop suffering; Live conscious, not subconscious. The cheese will only get bigger, and the suffering will never disappear. Dare to swim against the stream, and wake up! Everything you need to stop suffering is INSIDE you, not outside!
10. Stop blaming, stop justifying and stop playing the victim; The rewards you get from them are always very temporary

Choose to wake up now, and enjoy!

Live life fully,...
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

donderdag 27 augustus 2009

What needs to be done to BREAK through and FOLLOW through?

Dynamics; Emotional- Professional

So many people approach me asking me what the difference is between those who breakthrough after one of my seminars, and those who don't. Why do some people follow through and some stay stuck? This basically doesn't only happen with my seminars but with any seminar, program or product out there!
One day a surgeon shared with me that of all the patients undergoing major surgery at their lungs or heart caused by smoking, 70% of them starts smoking again. Picking up their destructive behavior again!?
What really needs to happen for people to follow through then, you might ask.
The best thing I do is modeling. I model the individuals that master the specific things I crave for, try to do what does people do, adapt it, master it and teach other people how to do the same.
It's actually also about the validation in the mind that there isn't any fear any longer. Wipe out the fear by planning without a plan B. Burn the ships you came ashore with!
It's a proven fact that almost 97% of all people talk their way out of business before they even started. (So much for their wonderful ideas!)
Overachievers on the other hand have the tendency to increase their fear, so fear will work in their advantage. They are so afraid to miss out on all the wonderful opportunities, instead of settling in waiting for things to change out of their own.
Then you have those who clearly have strong enough reasons to break through and follow through. For instance, being sick and tired of being sick and tired of a certain situation is indeed a perfect motivation!
Some of them, like me (who already lost everything 3 times in my life), have to hit rock bottom first before rising to the highest levels.

In order to break through, you will have to be in a state of breaking through. Lots of people are still captured in a "desiring"-state, instead of a "MUST"-state. A MUST state is needed to break through the level to make massive change possible. Solely wishing won't just do it!


The first results are mostly the biggest kick in the butt to follow through; The first kilo's you lose by working out, the first money you make in your new business, the first actual sensory changes you are observing!

Listen, the most important thing to do before all, is knowing exactly WHAT it is that you want; Chrystal clear and very detailed and then determining the following magical step of WHY you actually want what you want. It has to be something you are really hungry for, craving for, obsessed by, something that will make a huge DIFFERENCE in you life.
That WHY will open up a container of feelings and emotions while you are doing your daily visualizations of your WHAT's.

And if,...for some still don't know it. If you are still not hungry?
Then get around people who ARE hungry!
And see what happens,...

To your success, happiness and prosperity!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

dinsdag 25 augustus 2009

Let's redefine and reshape the definition of success!

Dynamics; ALL!

Working for more then 8 years with my 8 Dynamics of Life seminars, I keep on hearing more and more people having a pretty narrow idea and visualization of the concept SUCCESS,...
Throughout my works I like to offer other, deeper views and insights about what the meaning of success really holds.
First of all it's no longer about how much money you have, or how successful you THINK you are. It's all about how much IMPACT you are having on the world!
Re-read this sentence and feel how you are reshaping the meaning of success, prosperity, wealth and fulfillment in your mind,...
What do you want your LEGACY to be?
Will it be how much money you finally made, or...
How many lives you CHANGED, how much IMPACT you had on others in a constructive, loving and meaningful way?
I dare to think that I already sense your answer,.....that is.....if you are really HONEST to yourself!
Now here comes the second "secret";
Are you ready,...?
You really don't have to make a choice between making money and making a difference!!!
It's actually almost never a matter of "either-or", but a matter of "AND"!
Once you personally figured out how to apply LEVERAGE and CREATE massive CHANGE in your world, you'll find that money simply COMES to you, automatically,....without EFFORT!
Because you are creating VALUE, and that is exactly what the UNIVERSE is waiting for to give massive REWARDS to you.
Mmmmmm, interesting yes?!
Without questioning the world is undergoing massive CHANGES in the last years (and it ain't over still). Lots of people have been hurt, crushed and majorly challenged, both emotionally as financially.
But I learned that in times of CRISIS the biggest OPPORTUNITIES are created.
During my seminars I teach the willing to embrace crisis, because it is the messenger of huge quantities of chances, new beginnings, new ideas, new implementations and HUGE opportunities.
It ain't over yet, and believe me that a massive SOCIAL CHANGE will sweep through the world, and it is UNSTOPPABLE!
Most of us do not longer want the TOYS, the big mansions, a collection of expensive cars like we did before. Today we are looking for MEANING and PURPOSE, to CONTRIBUTE and thus make a positive IMPACT on the world.
That is why we need to redefine and reshape the definition of SUCCESS, because unfortunately people still wrongly associate money with success and prosperity, where it actually only has to do with the impact you have on others.

And that is why I accepted to cooperate with a fantastic spiritual experiment called SUPERWISE ME! (Wisdom 9-9-9) Created by Len Branson.
I will share more about it later, just google around and find out!

I want to close with a mantra I often use from his holiness the Dalai Lama;
"There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness,..."

To your "success"!
Leo Stroobants
Your Energy Maverick

dinsdag 18 augustus 2009

Get out of crisis by changing your focus

Dynamics; ALL!

These are the greatest times in our life, REALLY!
The best time to work on all 8 dynamics of your life; Professional, Financial, Material, Emotional, Physical, Relational, Spiritual and Contribution.
Times have never been better, REALLY!
And in the years to come we are going to receive more gifts and opportunities in all different shapes and forms and in ways that we never even thought possible.
But, we will have to shift our focus and start modeling those who are successful in this new world market even more.
We will HAVE TO adopt new rituals, new philosophies, create new habits while shifting old paradigms and breaking previous conditioning.
What worked in the past will definitely not work any longer in the present and will be ridiculed in the future. Constant learning, adapting and growing will be the new identity.
During my seminars or while I walk in a room full of people I can spot the exploited rituals of most individuals in a second. Some of them show that they work out 4 to 5 times a week, others only twice, some not whatsoever. By looking at what state they are in and reading their physiological proof I can spot if they are smiling, vibrant and open minded versus some who look worried, stressed and frustrated.
We have to recognize that our rituals determine our life!
What state are you in RIGHT NOW wen you read this article?
Are you sitting up, smiling, open minded and full of energy?
If not, shift you state RIGHT THIS SECOND and see what happens, put a major grin on your face and feel what you are reading.
How do you react NOW?
Are you doing the right rituals in your life today?
You can be SINCERE but in the meantime you could be SINCERELY WRONG!
Maybe you are doing the RIGHT things in the WRONG time?
That doesn't really work, and will only give you lots of PAIN!
Are you doubting or wondering if you are right on track? Just look around and see what your life looks like right now. That will be the answer you were looking for.
You need to do the right things in the right time. As Jim Rohn says; "You need to know what season you are in,..."
Walking around in swimming trunks on the ski slopes of Gstaad in the winter month of December is as ridiculous as jumping around in your ski suit on the beaches of the Cote d'Azur in the middle of the summer.
It will only result in PAIN!
Take control of your STATE right NOW and start to become AWARE that your old paradigms won't bring you any closer to your goals, well in the contrary.
Start to FOCUS on the RIGHT things, focus on those things that will bring you closer to your goals, FASTER.
You only live ones, so also become AWARE that your time is one of your most valuable assets. Even though time is an illusion just like anything else, let it be your tool to measure your progress, but not the source of any frustration.
Write them goals down, visualize them daily, use dream boards or vision walls as your practical aid and take some daily time to MEDITATE and get CONNECTED with the UNIVERSAL ENERGY that unites us all.
Have FAITH and move on.
Remember that even when you don't pay attention, or even while you are asleep, your BRAIN keeps on working for you.
We THINK consciously while we ACT unconsciously.
You will find WHAT you are looking for!
WHAT are you looking for,....Focusing on?

Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist