From the 8 Dynamics seminars; SPIRITUAL
So many e-mails, ...finally here is my answer;
I read somewhere that becoming enlightened is like a process of peeling back the many layers of the ego to experience your true radiant Infinite Self. It's a proces of opening to your innermost being, and as a result to the entire Universe.
I found out in the beginning that the deeper you reach, the more turmoil I got, until finally things started to slow down a bit. The goal actually is to reach the layer of absolute stillness. Some of us need some time to get there, but once they do, it's easier to get there again.
A bit like learning how to ride a bike, it doesn't really work from the first time. You need to practice over and over again, until one day you are swooped away.
Our great masters and teachers tell us that in our deepest self, our true spiritual knowledge resides, the place where we actually feel connected with the Universal energy. Finally we will start to recognize that the newfound inner self is who we really are. You without the ego, full of love clarity, understanding, abundance, eternity, compassion, forgiveness, light.
Every book I read about "enlightenment" observes form a different angle, some work for me, others are a bit off track when I listen with my heart. But they mostly get together in the agreement that it is a continuos state or realization that you are an eternal being who will never die. We just move on to another dimension, another understanding, another matrix.
We are spiritual beings in a material body.
Being enlightened for me starts with a celebration for all the things in my life, a feeling of deep and honest gratitude. Knowing that I am part of a bigger, much bigger, eternal and infinite "whole" which I would like to refer to as the Universe. You might like to call it God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, The Light, Abba, Elohim, Yazad, etc.
Some refer to it as a living, conscious intelligence that loves you unconditionally.
Here are some steps that might help you get closer to your enlightened you;
1. Turn of your ego; The constant, never ending chattering inside your mind. The mind is just a mere habitual illusion of who and what we really are. Let go of your beliefs and just BE, without conditions. Turn off your repetitive mind, your internal record that plays over and over.
2. Find a quiet place; a place where you can turn your internal computer off. The board of a lake, in the middle of the woods, a sunny beach overlooking the sea, on top of a hill, a private room with calming music and some candles, whatever works for you.
3. Let go of the illusion that you live separate from the Universal source; Feel all the abundance you already possess right now. Get out step into nature and find all the abundance that you already possess. Stop suffering because you are simply not aware that you are ONE with the UNiverse.
4. Release all your HAVE's; During time, you got attached to people, things, feelings that are limiting you today. Some things will give you the illusion of pleasure, others pain. Pain and suffering is just a way of the Universe to say to "LET GO!"
5. Face the bull; Don't run away from your fears, run towards them. Almost all the times they will disappear before you reach them. Fear is something that was created by YOU, you can dissolve it.
6. Believe your own stories; We were all conditioned when we were young, to become more and more detached from the Universal energy. Success was falsely explained, we were never thought to find the source inside us, in the contrary. Success is finally determined by how fulfilled you are as a spiritual being in a material body.
7. Stop thinking; Thinking is like an arm or a leg, use it only when needed. Limited by only 52 visuals images a second. Practice being.We are human BEINGS. Learn to be in the here and now, and redefine your definition of success.
8. Wanna be right? Let go of trying to be right all the time. It's a limiting ego-trip. You don't need to fight for what you wish, life is a playground. Play!
9. Step out of the rat race and stop suffering; Live conscious, not subconscious. The cheese will only get bigger, and the suffering will never disappear. Dare to swim against the stream, and wake up! Everything you need to stop suffering is INSIDE you, not outside!
10. Stop blaming, stop justifying and stop playing the victim; The rewards you get from them are always very temporary
Choose to wake up now, and enjoy!
Live life fully,...
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist
$100.000/Year is no longer the benchmark!
14 jaar geleden
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