donderdag 27 augustus 2009

What needs to be done to BREAK through and FOLLOW through?

Dynamics; Emotional- Professional

So many people approach me asking me what the difference is between those who breakthrough after one of my seminars, and those who don't. Why do some people follow through and some stay stuck? This basically doesn't only happen with my seminars but with any seminar, program or product out there!
One day a surgeon shared with me that of all the patients undergoing major surgery at their lungs or heart caused by smoking, 70% of them starts smoking again. Picking up their destructive behavior again!?
What really needs to happen for people to follow through then, you might ask.
The best thing I do is modeling. I model the individuals that master the specific things I crave for, try to do what does people do, adapt it, master it and teach other people how to do the same.
It's actually also about the validation in the mind that there isn't any fear any longer. Wipe out the fear by planning without a plan B. Burn the ships you came ashore with!
It's a proven fact that almost 97% of all people talk their way out of business before they even started. (So much for their wonderful ideas!)
Overachievers on the other hand have the tendency to increase their fear, so fear will work in their advantage. They are so afraid to miss out on all the wonderful opportunities, instead of settling in waiting for things to change out of their own.
Then you have those who clearly have strong enough reasons to break through and follow through. For instance, being sick and tired of being sick and tired of a certain situation is indeed a perfect motivation!
Some of them, like me (who already lost everything 3 times in my life), have to hit rock bottom first before rising to the highest levels.

In order to break through, you will have to be in a state of breaking through. Lots of people are still captured in a "desiring"-state, instead of a "MUST"-state. A MUST state is needed to break through the level to make massive change possible. Solely wishing won't just do it!


The first results are mostly the biggest kick in the butt to follow through; The first kilo's you lose by working out, the first money you make in your new business, the first actual sensory changes you are observing!

Listen, the most important thing to do before all, is knowing exactly WHAT it is that you want; Chrystal clear and very detailed and then determining the following magical step of WHY you actually want what you want. It has to be something you are really hungry for, craving for, obsessed by, something that will make a huge DIFFERENCE in you life.
That WHY will open up a container of feelings and emotions while you are doing your daily visualizations of your WHAT's.

And if,...for some still don't know it. If you are still not hungry?
Then get around people who ARE hungry!
And see what happens,...

To your success, happiness and prosperity!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

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