donderdag 22 oktober 2009

3 Pillars to Success in Life

Dynamics; Professional-Emotional

Yesterday I received on e-mail of a distant friend asking me a very straightforward question; "Leo, how do I get successful?" Now, this isn't an easy one-two-three answer! Let me have a go on this one,...


-You need to have a clear and compelling VISION, where attention goes, energy flows and results finally show. FOCUS is where the energy goes to. Write it out and make it compelling.
-You absolutely need very strong REASONS to follow through. Forget about pushing your way towards succeeding, you want to be pulled into it.
-When you wake up in the morning, nothing else can be on your mind. Sort of like a very sound obsession, you don't want to do anything else.
-Be completely HONEST about where you are today. If people ask you where is Russia, it all depends where you are. It's different when you are in Belgium, Hungary, Sicily or the US. First pinpoint where you are, where to start from.

SECOND: Get the best TOOLS!

-The fast track to success is finding MENTORS, people who are already succeeding huge in the areas of your life where you would like to excel. Get proven maps how to get there, mentors know the shortcuts!
-Then start modelling them. Do exactly the same as they do, imitate them, their behaviors, their actions, their reactions, their focus, their "modus operandi".
-Start with setting high STANDARDS. Put your limiting ego aside and don't try to re-invent the wheel all over again.  See what works and what doesn't, starting with those things that are already working right now. Then follow that path, copy the successes until it doesn't work any longer, then make some course changes and review your strategical approach.
-Surround yourself with a peer group that keeps tracks of your evolution and your successes. Make sure that they are critical enough to hold you accountable.
-Take DAILY ACTION and start building some consistency. Measure your progress!

THIRD: Unlock what is Stopping You!

-Don't focus on the MECHANICS, they are only accountable for 15%, the rest is 85% PSYCHOLOGY!
-Ask yourself the most important question of all; WHY? The emotional drive behind the WHAT is 100 times more important. Unlock and unleash!
-Ask yourself what beliefs, goals or values might be in conflict? If your goal is to become a super salesman and your number 1 fear is rejection, then you are setting yourself up for failure!
-Align your life with what is most important to you. Ask yourself what is the most important thing for you today?
-Now re-align your PSYCHOLOGY so you naturally take action in the direction you are most passionate about. The direction that is in highest resonance with your highest values.

When you achieve, CELEBRATE  than CONTRIBUTE and pay it forward!

To your success!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

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