dinsdag 30 maart 2010

How to Take a Compliment

From the EMOTIONAL Dynamic;

Compliments are a part of life, and although you might not always feel you deserve them learning to accept a compliment graciously is a life skill you'll never regret. 
Be grateful The best thing you can do when someone compliments you is to simply say 'thank you.' And smile, because smiles work wonders.
 if and when appropriate. If you've just won an amazing award you can say "thank you" and leave it that, but if it's something simpler like a friend complimenting your new haircut say thank you and then return the favor by complimenting her scarf or new shade of lipstick.
Don't argue
 or try to invalidate the compliment. For example if someone says "Good job!" don't counter with "I could have done better." Accept the compliment for what it is and don't make people work to get their point across.
Be sincere
 Be genuine in your response, not absent-minded or mechanical. Really mean it when you say thank you, and if/when you compliment them in return.

People sometimes feel that when they accept a compliment it makes them seem self-centered or arrogant, but really when people argue or negate positive acknowledgments they just come off as insecure, uninterested, or rude even. It's much better to be a well-rounded, balanced individual that can appreciate when someone is making a kind gesture.


To your inner strength!
Leo Stroobants

Russian Billionaire Will Give His Money To Charity

From the CONTRIBUTIONAL Dynamic;

Warren Buffett isn't the only generous billionaire in the world. Businessweek reports that Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin has said that he will plans to leave almost all of his estimated $2.1 billion fortune to charity within the next decade. Unlike Buffett, Potanin is a bit younger, just 49. He has three children. His assets include 25 percent of OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel, Russia's biggest mining company, 30 percent of lender OAO Rosbank, and the Rosa Khutor Olympic ski development. His Interros Holding Company will manage the assets which will eventually be transferred to a "special charity fund" but no designated benficiary for his largesse has been revealed. Ahead of the big donation Potanin will raise contributions to his existing charitable fund to at least $25 million a year.

What's Potanin's motivation? An 
article in The Financial Times says that Potanin was inspired by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and has a long history of philanthropy. Potanin told the Financial Times he also wants his children to achieve and felt that inheriting wealth would only be a hindrance. Some feel that Potanin's generous move may inspire more Russians toward philanthropic aims, a trend I first heard Roustam Tariko, founder and chairman of Russia Standard vodka, speak about a few years ago. 

Give for the sake of giving,
Leo Stroobants

woensdag 24 maart 2010

Gratitude is the key!!!!

A feeling of gratefulness is the best way to achieve happiness and good life, according to a slew of new studies. 

Gratitude, the feeling of thankfulness and joy in response to receiving a gift, is one of the essential ingredients for living a good life, says Todd Kashdan, associate professor of psychology at the George Mason University.

Kashdan's paper found that men were much less likely to feel and express gratitude than women.

In one study, Kashdan interviewed college students and older adults, asking them to describe and evaluate a recent episode when they received a gift. He observed women reported feeling greater levels of gratitude when presented with gifts. Older men reported greater negative emotions when the gift giver was another man.

"The way we socialise as children affects what we do with our emotions as adults," said Kashdan. "Because men are generally taught to control and conceal their softer emotions, this may be limiting their well-being."

Kashdan named three elements essential for creating happiness and meaning in life: meaningful relationships, gratitude, and living in the present, with an attitude of openness and curiosity, according to a George Mason statement. 

Happily fullfil your goals and live with passion!
Leo Stroobants


zaterdag 27 februari 2010

Several Ways to Lose Your Gut!

Physical Dynamic; Spend more of each day burning fat than you do storing it, and over time, you'll bury your belly forever.

The average man's body houses 43.2 pounds of fat. And at any one moment, that number is either increasing or decreasing—it's never stagnant. Spend more of each day burning fat than you do storing it, and over time, you'll bury your belly forever. Sound simple? It is. You see, there's no single secret formula for losing fat. In fact, find 100 successful losers and they'll give you 100 different ways to win the battle of the bulge. But we did them one better. On the following pages, you'll find 101 tips designed to help you lose your love handles, bust your gut, and define your abs. Simply incorporate three or four into your life every day, and you'll finish off your fat easier and faster than you ever imagined possible.
Eat more protein.
About 25%-30% of the calories in each gram of protein are burned in digestion, compared to only 6%-8% of the calories in carbs. Do the math: You save 41 calories every time you substitute 50 grams of protein for an equal amount of carbs.
Read labels. 
Avoid foods with "high-fructose corn syrup" in the ingredients list. Since 1971, consumption of this sugar substitute—which is used to sweeten soda, commercial baked goods, and even condiments—has increased more than 350% in the U.S., paralleling the rise in obesity.
Get off your ass.
Do every exercise standing instead of sitting. "You'll expend up to 30% more calories," says Joe Stankowski, C.P.T. The solution for the bench press? Dips.
Mix up your movements.
When you lift, perform supersets in which you alternate between sets of lower-body and upper-body exercises. That way, your lower body rests while your upper body is working. "This allows you to work your muscles maximally with very little downtime between sets for a faster, more effective workout," says Craig Ballantyne, C.S.C.S.
Exercise blind.
When you're using the elliptical trainer, try letting go of the handles and closing your eyes. (Be careful!) Without the visual feedback, your core muscles will have to work harder to keep you balanced, burning more calories.
Embrace yardwork.
View any type of physical activity—even those you try to avoid, such as mowing the lawn—as a chance to burn fat and condition your body. (Just make sure you use a push mower.)
Snack on dill pickles.
They have one calorie per slice.
Take larger steps. 
When using the stair climber, skip one out of every five steps. Then take one large step to get back to your normal walking pattern. This step recruits additional muscle, upping fat loss, says Cameron McGarr, C.S.C.S.
Rent motivation.
Once a week, watch a movie that inspires you to exercise. Examples: Rocky (for the gym), American Flyers (for cycling), Hoosiers (for team sports), and Chariots of Fire and Without Limits (both for running).
Break a record.
Challenge yourself to run farther in the same amount of time—even if it's just one-tenth of a mile—every single workout. This ensures you're always burning more calories from one workout to the next.

To your success!!!
Get in shape, get energized, life life fully!
Leo Stroobants
Personal Coach

zondag 14 februari 2010

Leadership Coaching Based on the Hierarchy of Your Personal Values!

Have you been struggling to:

-Be more proactive, strategic and effective?
-Practice effective time management for stress reduction and success?
-Develop your leadership style and skills based on your personal values?
-Define a work-life balance to be happy and have a meaningful life?
-Maximize the quality of your relationships while increasing your success?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then it’s time for you to transform your life. As an executive myself for 20 years, my current passion is to help executives in non-profit/ not for profit management become more centered, deliberate, mindful, and successful. By becoming more mindful and focused on strategic actions, you not only improve your well-being, you fully engage your energies and increase your succes!
As an effective leader you can make a difference in the lives of your staff, in the impact of your organization, and in the world. By improving your interpersonal skills you will develop more empathetic, meaningful and effective relationships with others, making a difference in the success and the quality of your life and theirs.
As an executive I struggled with these issues myself. As a coach I have worked with over a hundred executives like you, executives in both profit and not for profit organizations. I know this works!!! Why not take a risk free first step and contact me for a complimentary consultation? Let me help you create both the success and the life you want!
To your happiness, succes and fulfillment!
Leo Stroobants
The 8 Dynamics of Life (r)

Hit the bulls eye with your "diet"

Drink More Water
It'll flush away sodium, which bloats you. You'll also be less likely to down high-calorie beverages. People often underestimate how important hydration is when it comes to losing weight.
Cut Calories
You'll never lose weight until you change your diet. Americans have grown accustom to large portions at the dinner table. The bottom line is you've got to take in fewer calories than you are burning each day. Period.
Running Intervals
Ever notice how sprinters have extremely lean, toned bodies? Sure, they spend half the day training on the track, but even the average person can greatly benefit from 10-20 minutes of interval training each day. There's no better way to burn off fat.
Fill Up On Fiber
Fiber allows you to make the most of the food you eat, because it keeps you full longer than any other food. Load up on lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day.
Pop a Multivitamin
They can fill in gaps in your diet but don't expect them to work miracles. You still need to rely on a nutritious diet in order to maintain healthy metabolism.

Book Leo for your health related seminars! His methods and insights brought hundreds of people in the shape of their life,....forever! "It isn't about a diet or a workout program, it's the creation of a new lifestyle!" is his motto.

To your health!
Leo Stroobants Seminars
The 8 Dynamics of Life (r)