zondag 14 februari 2010

Leadership Coaching Based on the Hierarchy of Your Personal Values!

Have you been struggling to:

-Be more proactive, strategic and effective?
-Practice effective time management for stress reduction and success?
-Develop your leadership style and skills based on your personal values?
-Define a work-life balance to be happy and have a meaningful life?
-Maximize the quality of your relationships while increasing your success?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then it’s time for you to transform your life. As an executive myself for 20 years, my current passion is to help executives in non-profit/ not for profit management become more centered, deliberate, mindful, and successful. By becoming more mindful and focused on strategic actions, you not only improve your well-being, you fully engage your energies and increase your succes!
As an effective leader you can make a difference in the lives of your staff, in the impact of your organization, and in the world. By improving your interpersonal skills you will develop more empathetic, meaningful and effective relationships with others, making a difference in the success and the quality of your life and theirs.
As an executive I struggled with these issues myself. As a coach I have worked with over a hundred executives like you, executives in both profit and not for profit organizations. I know this works!!! Why not take a risk free first step and contact me for a complimentary consultation? Let me help you create both the success and the life you want!
To your happiness, succes and fulfillment!
Leo Stroobants
The 8 Dynamics of Life (r)

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